Greetings Fellow Passengers and Crew!

Our Spaceship's Universal Tour Continues

"With or Without Sustainable Life"

"The Choice is Ours"

(Or as Earlier Roman Slaves Might Have Said...)

Ad Introibimus ad Altare Deorum Universi!

Ad Deum, cuius terribilis creatura: laetifica omnibus diebus vitae nostrae.

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Sustainable Spaceship Earth

Evolving Revolving Planet

With a Flexible layout STRAINED by Burning Fossil Fuels


This Site is like the Planet that we live on, it will Survive and Prosper in accordance with the Mindfulness of the People who Join in and Help with its Progress.... The Foundations are Under Construction.... More Funding by Donations, Membership and
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...Stay Tuned...

"Basic Protection Of The Global Environment"
"Missing From EPA Requirements for All Or Any"

As an Engineer, with some experience in, and understanding of, Geology and Fracking, it was not until recently; within the last day or two; by searching on Google for:
"What are The EPA Requirements for An Impervious Strata to be above any Strata Proposed for Fracking; in order to prevent LNG/LPG/Methane escaping into the Atmosphere?
That I came to the temporary conclusion (That was not the only 'Search Term' that I used): That the EPA did not have that BASIC Requirement!!
I should have Includrd 'Ethane' in the above list of Gasses; as Ethane is usually present in the Natural Gas, but usually only in small Percentages of about 6%!...
Ethane is, of course a 'Heavier than Air, Flammable Gas'
That would explain "A River On Fire"!... I wonder if it would also be Involved in The recent terrible 'Bush Fires' that are occuring around The Globe?... It would make Australia Particularly susceptable, as a forest floor ignition of low lying Ethane could lead to an Upper Level Ignition of the Volatile Eucalyptus Oils in The Crown!... Just a Thought!

"The West Texas Permian Basin"

In West Texas, an oil boom is creating a major problem for producers and locals alike:
wasting natural gas by burning or flaring it, ...
TheVideo from "NBC Left Field · 2 Feb 2019" explains:

So... It seems that The USA is Exceptional once again!
Once again adopting the Age Old Authoritarian Command... "Do as I Say!... Not as I Do!"

"Big C.O.G. Tactics"

Despite full knowledge that 'Methane/Natural Gas/LNG/LPG' is about 80 times more effective as a 'Blanket Gas' than CO2, although that figure does reduce over a 20 year Period to Zero, whilst that of CO2 itself remains until it is destroyed or removed from the Atmosphere.
The Big C.O.G. is now using The Typical Delay Tactics of Funding University Studies before doing anything Pro-Active to STOP the LEAKS!!
The Big C.O.G. also knows that any leakage of LNG/etc. above 3% of the LNG production figure means that there is "No Advantage of Methane as a Fossil Fuel over COAL...
They are also Aware of recent Data Released by The I E A (International Energy Agency) that Government Reporting of Methane/LNG/etc. Leaks is Being Under Reported by about 70%; which makes the Figures of 3.1 to 3.5% a trifle LOW... (The true Figures would be upwards from 10.3%)

"Is Big C O G an Inhumane Anti-Social Monster?"

Well, I guess that readers and the World at Large will like me have to wait and see what we can do to make sure that The Big Coal Oil and Gas Power Mongers are Brought to Heel!!
As has been shown on The LCOE -Finance Page here on this Web Site: There is No Way that Wind and Solar can ever Replace Coal Oil and Gas and Nuclear as a Base Load Power Source!!
Wind and Solar Off-Grid is Fine, and Clean and can most likely be Used for residential Electric Vehicle Battery Charging...
BUT!! ... NUCLEAR is The Only Way to rapidly Deploy Sufficient CLEAN Energy Generation Projects, within the Time Frame left us to prevent a Climate Change Catastrophy and Possible Extinction of Humanity and other Species of Fauna and Flora!!
Methane Releases to date, alone account for about 30% of current Global Warming... (IEA)

Why is "The Big C O G" supporting "Renewables"?

That's a Good Question! ... I am a relative New-Comer to this analysis of different forms of Power Generation; but, already, as one can see from the presentation of Data gathered by The IEA concerning Finance and The Levelised Costs Of Energy Production (L C O E): ... See "FINANCE & L C O E" and "Thorium - LFTR":
1) The Difuse and Intermittent Power Generation from "Wind Generators and Solar-PV Panels", when being connected to National Grids in California, Europe, England and Australia; is Destabilising The Grid, Requiring Massive changes to Infrastructure; Pumped Hydro Storagr, Massive Inverters, Large New 'Elon Musk' style Batteries, and More Fracking for 'Methane/LNG/LPG/Natural Gas', which is a Fossil Fuel, and is required to Power the "Aero-Derivative Gas Turbines, which are required to Cut in When The Sun Dissapears behind Clouds and/or The Wind Drops Off or Ceases! to Blow!
These Changes To The GRID are, and have, Driven Up The Price of Power to Consumers in All The Above Countries, and are:
2) Blowing Up The Older Heavy Spinning, Grid Stabilising Generators, that Maintain The Grid AC Frequency and Voltage to Close Tolerances that prevents The Destrucion of Consumers Electrical Equipment.
3) Are believed to be The Justification for Angela Merkel deciding to Close Down Even The Cleaner Than Renewables "Nuclear Power Generators"... (Blowing Up Huge Heavy Rotating Generators in a Nuclear Facility is "Not Reccommended!!!")
4) Still Incapable of Providing anywhere near Enough Power to act as "Base Load Power Generation"

So... Why isn't "The Big C O G" supporting
"The Thorium - LFTR"?

That's a "Trillion Dollar" and an
"Extinction Rebellion Style - Existential Question!"

Could it be that the "Transition The G N D" requirement to Provide "Fuel For Transport" has Blinded "The Big C O G" to the Urgent Requirement for ALL Power Producers to Use Their "Co-Operative Thinking Hats" rather than their "GREEDY Capitalist Competitive Ones", in this Time of Global Emergency; an Emergency Far More Threatening than the One That Enabled The Development of Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons in "Three Years", from 1942 to 1945?..... AND the Promise of "Atoms For Peace"; which turned into "Atoms For War - Bombs and ICBM War Heads"?

It's Time For
"The Big C O G Co-Operative Thinking Cap"!

"Satellite data reveals "extreme" methane emissions"
"from Permian oil/gas operations"
EDF press release - April 22, 2020

"Global methane emissions from the energy sector over time, 2000-2021" methane emissions 2000 - 2021

The most cost-effective opportunities for methane abatement are in the energy sector, especially in oil and gas operations. Based on recent elevated natural gas prices, almost all of the options to reduce emissions from oil and gas operations worldwide could be implemented at no net cost. Such a strong alignment of cost, reputational and environmental considerations should push the oil and gas sector to lead the way with methane emissions reductions. Forward-leaning companies need to move beyond intensity targets and adopt a zero-tolerance approach.

If all countries were to perform as well as Norway,
Global Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas Operations
Would Fall by More than 90%

The best companies and countries are showing what can be done to reduce emissions from oil and gas operations, but the intensity of methane emissions (emissions per unit of production) ranges widely. The best performing countries are more than 100 times better than the worst. Norway and the Netherlands have the lowest emissions intensities in our updated Tracker, and countries in the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also have relatively low emissions intensities; Turkmenistan and Venezuela have the highest. If all producing countries were to match Norway’s emissions intensity, global methane emissions from oil and gas operations would fall by more than 90%. Increased attention to methane abatement in recent years, including new measurement campaigns and technologies, may be having some effect. The estimated rise in energy-related methane emissions in 2021 leaves them slightly below where they were in 2019, even though overall energy demand and fossil fuel production are both back above pre-crisis levels. However, the limited availability of measured data for most countries means we cannot state with confidence where and how abatement efforts might actually be reducing emissions.

"Total methane emissions and methane intensity of production
in selected oil and gas producers, 2021" methane emissions & Intensity 2021

Methane Emissions from the Energy Sector
are about 70% Higher than Reported in Official Data

Our emissions estimates, which are based on the latest available scientific studies and measurement campaigns, are significantly higher than the picture provided by official data. As more measured data becomes available, it becomes ever clearer that almost all the national inventories have been underreporting emissions. Emissions claimed for individual producing basins, fields and facilities are also typically lower than those observed once systematic monitoring and measurement systems are put in place. Global methane emissions from the energy sector are about 70% greater than the amount national governments have officially reported, according to new IEA analysis released today, underlining the urgent need for enhanced monitoring efforts and stronger policy action to drive down emissions of the potent greenhouse gas. Methane is responsible for around 30% of the rise in global temperatures since the Industrial Revolution, and quick and sustained emission reductions are key to limiting near-term warming and improving air quality. Methane dissipates faster than carbon dioxide (CO2) but is a much more powerful greenhouse gas during its short lifespan, meaning that cutting methane emissions would have a rapid effect on limiting global warming. The energy sector accounts for around 40% of methane emissions from human activity, and this year’s expanded edition of the IEA’s Global Methane Tracker includes country-by-country emissions from coal mines and bioenergy for the first time, in addition to continued detailed coverage of oil and natural gas operations. Methane emissions from the energy sector grew by just under 5% last year. This did not bring them back to their 2019 levels and slightly lagged the rise in overall energy use, indicating that some efforts to limit emissions may already be paying off.

IEA Methane Releases Report - Overview

"Queensland River on Fire"

An Australian Politician has Set Fire to a River to draw attention to Methane Gas which is Seeping into the Condamine River due to Fracking.
TheVideo explains:


Gas explodes from Australian river near fracking site. I was shocked by the force of the explosion when I tested whether The Gas boiling up through the Condamine River, Qld was flammable.
So much gas is bubbling through the river that it held a huge flame.
There has been concern that fracking and extraction of coal seam gas could cause gas to migrate through the rock. Not only is it polluting the river and air, but methane is an extremely potent heat trapping gas.
Fugitive emissions from the unconventional gas industry could be a major contributor to climate change and make gas as dirty as burning coal.
Gas first started bubbling though the river shortly after the coal seam gas industry took off in the Chinchilla area.
Since then the volume of gas bubbling through the river has massively increased and has spread along the river.
You can see stakes in the river bank where the Queensland Government has marked each gas seep.
You can also see pipework near the river where Origin Energy has installed for monitoring the gas bubbling through the river.
Thanks to John Jenkyn for taking me up the river in his tinnie. He's a champion!

FRACKING Update September 2022
Ref: Wikipedia Hydraulic fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing, also called fracking, hydrofracking, and hydrofracturing, is a ' Well Stimulation Technique' involving the fracturing of [sedimentary shale]] formations by a pressurized liquid. The process involves the high-pressure injection of “fracking fluid” (primarily water, containing sand or other proppants suspended with the aid of thickening agents) into a Wellbore to create cracks in the deep-rock formations through which natural gas, petroleum, and brine will flow more freely. When the hydraulic pressure is removed from the well, small grains of hydraulic fracturing proppants (either sand or aluminium oxide) hold the fractures open.1
Hydraulic fracturing began as an experiment in 1947 2, and the first commercially successful application followed in 1950. As of 2012, 2.5 million “frac jobs” had been performed worldwide on oil and gas wells, over one million of those within the U.S.3, 4
Such treatment is generally necessary to achieve adequate flow rates in shale gas, tight gas, tight oil, and coal seam gas wells.5
Some hydraulic fractures can form naturally in certain veins or dikes.6
Drilling and hydraulic fracturing have made the United States a major crude oil exporter as of 2019,7 but leakage of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, has dramatically increased.8, 9
Increased oil and gas production from the decade-long fracking boom has led to lower prices for consumers, with near-record lows of the share of household income going to energy expenditures.10, 11
Hydraulic fracturing is highly controversial12
Its proponents advocate the economic benefits of more extensively accessible hydrocarbons,13, 14 as well as replacing coal with natural gas, which burns more cleanly and emits less carbon dioxide (CO2).15, 16
Opponents of fracking argue that these are outweighed by the environmental impacts, which include groundwater and surface water contamination,17 noise and air pollution, and the triggering of earthquakes, along with the resulting hazards to public health and the environment.18, 19
Research has found adverse health effects in populations living near hydraulic fracturing sites,20, 21 including confirmation of chemical, physical, and psychosocial hazards such as pregnancy and birth outcomes, migraine headaches, chronic rhinosinusitis, severe fatigue, asthma exacerbations and psychological stress.22
Adherence to regulation and safety procedures are required to avoid further negative impacts.23
There is considerable uncertainty about the scale of methane leakage associated with hydraulic fracturing, and even some evidence that leakage may cancel out the greenhouse gas emissions benefits of natural gas relative to other fossil fuels. For example, a report by Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) highlights this issue, focusing on the leakage rate in Pennsylvania during extensive testing and analysis was found to be approximately 10%, or over five times the reported figures.24
This leakage rate is considered representative of the hydraulic fracturing industry in the US generally. EDF has recently announced a satellite mission to further locate and measure methane emissions.25
Increases in seismic activity following hydraulic fracturing along dormant or previously unknown faults are sometimes caused by the deep-injection disposal of hydraulic fracturing flowback (a byproduct of hydraulically fractured wells),26and produced formation brine (a byproduct of both fractured and nonfractured oil and gas wells).27
For these reasons, hydraulic fracturing is under international scrutiny, restricted in some countries, and banned altogether in others.28, 29, 30
The European Union is drafting regulations that would permit the controlled application of hydraulic fracturing.31